

Students aren't the only ones heading back to school, and according to a podiatrist at Baylor College of Medicine, teachers should be sure to include comfortable shoes on their shopping lists. "Activity levels of teachers during the summer break can vary – some are less active during the summer months than during the school year, and this can be a factor in getting back into the swing of things," said Dr. Ronald Lepow, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at Baylor. "For those who stayed active, their routine will not be too different in the fall, but there may be an adjustment period for those who were less active." Lepow suggests that both male and female teachers look for shoes that are wide enough for their foot and deep enough in the toe area so that their toes can move around unencumbered. Shoes should support the arch and have a firm heel counter so the heel does not slip around in the shoe. Open back or sling back shoes are not as suppo

What causes your heels to hurt?

Trust me, you aren’t the only one! It is one of the most common problems I see. The best way to combat this problem is to attack it with full soon as possible. Heel pain can have many different causes. The patients that generally suffer most from this condition are the ones on their feet a lot. Continuous standing; walking on a daily basis; starting a repetitive activity, such as a new exercise routine, without proper shoes, can put a lot of stress and strain on the ligaments in the foot. It eventually results in inflammation and pain. The good news is, heel pain is treatable. If treatment is sought early, all but a small percentage of affected patients will experience relief with conservative therapies. These include: limiting activities, footwear modifications, and stretching exercises. Procrastination can cause the pain to become not only chronic, but debilitating as well. Major causes of heel pain and their treatment. While there can be many reasons for heel pa

A Podiatrist in San Diego Who Cares

Welcome to Wolf Podiatry , where we make your feet happy and healthy so you feel good all over. Feet are probably the most abused and underappreciated part of the human body. The problem with that is when your feet hurt it affects your entire body. Treating You from the Toes Up pink sheet feet Dr. Wolf is a podiatrist in San Diego who connects with and treats the whole person from the toes up. He starts by educating and empowering his patients about how important their feet are to their overall health and energy. When your feet hurt it takes a lot of energy out of you and it limits your functionality in everyday life. Dr. Wolf helps you get back on your feet again, so you can live a full, active life free of pain. Healing Foot Pain Helps Your Whole Body Podiatrists specialize in treating the feet, but those feet are attached to a whole body and human being, Dr. Wolf is a special kind of podiatrist in San Diego who focuses on the whole person and how their foo